Saturday, November 12, 2011
Redistricting Required By Year End
All public ports are required to alter their district boundaries within the year after the Federal Census if the population is found disproportionate. The Port of Tracyton postponed plans for redistricting pending the outcome of Proposition 1 to enlarge the total area of the port. With the failure of Proposition 1 the Port of Tracyton commissioners will examine the current census data and decide where district boundaries will be altered. Those living within the Port of Tracyton are encouraged to be part of this process by attending the next meeting, rescheduled for November 16th. You can access the census data and the map prepared by the commission by selecting them from the right-hand column under Port Documents Archive.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Due to a lack of quorum, the November 10, 2011 meeting HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED for Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 6:00 PM, at the Tracyton Community Library, 351 NW Tracy Ave. The Public is encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Port of Tracyton Proposition 1 Fails
TRACYTON — The Port of Tracyton can't afford to upgrade and maintain facilities after a bid to expand its boundaries fell short.
The port asked some Bremerton residents if they wanted to join the district, but they voted 407-347 not to, even though its tax rate is the lowest of any port in Kitsap County. The cost is 4.2 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, or $8.44 a year on a $200,000 home. The annexation would have almost doubled the port's revenue.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Port of Tracyton Has a Website!
After a few hours of patient key pounding the Port of Tracyton now has its very own website! Designed and populated by volunteers, the website in its current form costs exactly 10 dollars per year, because we mainly used resources freely available on the Internet. The 10 dollar cost is a yearly recurring fee to renew the domain name "".