Friday, August 12, 2022


The Port of Tracyton has published the Port’s draft redistricting plan on the Port’s website and welcomes public comments on the plan.  The Port’s three Commissioner district boundaries are required to be adjusted in response to the 2020 census so that each district will be as equal in population as possible, districts are compact, district boundaries follow existing recognized natural boundaries, and will preserve existing communities of related and mutual interest. See the draft redistricting plan below. The Port will hold a public meeting to consider public comments on the draft plan at its regular meeting on September 8, 2022.  Public written comments on the draft plan should be sent to on or before September 7, 2022 (the day before the meeting). The regularly scheduled Port meeting will be held at the Tracyton Community Library, 351 Tracy Avenue, Tracyton, on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 6:00PM; whereat the Commissioners may decide to amend the draft plan and resubmit the amended draft plan for additional written public comment at least one week before adopting the plan. The Port intends to adopt a final redistricting plan at its regular meeting on October 13, 2022. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Port of Tracyton Regular In-Person Meetings will again resume starting with the March 10th, 2022 meeting at 6:00PM at the Tracyton Community Library - 351 NW Tracy Avenue.  

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Port of Tracyton public meeting for February will be held via ZOOM (Meeting ID# 842 1665 1068 Password: Tracyton) on February 10, 2022 @ 6:00PM. If you are new to ZOOM you may be asked to download the application. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 The Port of Tracyton regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2022 has been cancelled