Friday, March 17, 2023

 Port of Tracyton Waterfront Improvements:


The Port of Tracyton boat launch ramp is in a state of failure and long past its useful life.  The Port is considering options that may be available to renovate or replace this public infrastructure in a manner that will best serve district residents and the public.  The Port is not considering additional taxation for this project however, there are numerous grants that may be available to help fund much needed improvements.


The discussion around what improvements may look like is just beginning and the Port is interested in ideas and general thoughts from the district residents.  To that end, the regularly scheduled board meeting on April 13, 2023 at 6pm will begin with open public discussion related to potential waterfront improvements in the vicinity of the existing Tracyton boat launch.  The regular board meeting agenda will follow this open public discussion. 


Port district residents and property owners are encouraged to join the discussion in person at the Tracyton Public Library (351 NW Tracy Avenue).  The Port Commissioners will be considering potential improvement options at a conceptual level such as replacement of the existing boat launch ramp and/or alternative public shoreline access uses for this site.  The “brainstorming” discussion will remain conceptual in nature and no final decisions will be made during this meeting however, all ideas and considerations that will serve the final goal of enhanced public shoreline access are welcome and encouraged.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

 The Port of Tracyton Regular In-Person Meetings are the second Thursday of the Month 6:00PM at the Tracyton Community Library - 351 NW Tracy Avenue.  The Agenda's for each month's meetings are in the Archived Documents at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.